Asylum Works Logo

Programs & Services

AsylumWorks provides culturally and linguistically appropriate services to help asylum seekers and other underserved newcomers meet their basic needs, participate in immigration legal proceedings, and access opportunities to integrate into their new communities. Direct client services are free and available to individuals and families living in Maryland, Washington, D.C., and Northern Virginia, regardless of language, country of origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, or gender expression.

Health & Wellness

We help individuals and families protect and promote their health and safety.

Legal Navigation

We help newcomers understand
their rights and responsibilities
as migrants.

Employment & Education

We teach job seekers how to find, prepare for, and keep employment that pays a living wage.

Fellowship Program

AsylumWorks is proud to be an organization staffed by bilingual, bicultural professionals who hail from the newcomer communities we serve. To maintain our community-led status, AsylumWorks developed a one-year, full-time, paid, on-the-job professional training program to train former clients to work with new clients as therapeutic case managers.

Fellows receive intensive training and weekly supervision from licensed social workers. Upon graduation, fellows are hired by various organizations and government agencies including AsylumWorks. 

In March 2023, the Fellowship Program was recognized by the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement as a national best practice.

“I have always advocated for helping people back home, but the AsylumWorks fellowship program taught me how to help others here in the U.S. I can honestly say this program changed my life for the better.”
- Amira K., Class of 2022

Contact Information

1718 Connecticut Ave, NW, Suite 300, Washington, D.C. 20009

Please note client services are by appointment only. To request an appointment, please complete the new client questionnaire here

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