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Employment & Education Services

For many newcomers, finding work that pays a living wage is essential to maintaining hope and personal dignity. AsylumWorks’ Employment & Education Services offer a variety of programs to help newcomers with work permits prepare for, find, and keep employment.

Employment Preparation Services

Job seekers are invited to work one-on-one with a career coach to prepare for employment. Newcomers learn to identify job goals, create an employment plan, and learn about local resources and training that can bolster their employability.

Employment Assistance Services

Learning how to find and keep a job that pays a living wage can be difficult for newcomers. Here, clients learn how to navigate the job search process, develop job search skills, and create application materials, including a resume and a cover letter.

Career Development Services

Newcomers wishing to continue their careers in the U.S. are provided in-depth instruction and support to build their networking skills.

Why work with AsylumWorks?

Finding employment in the U.S. is different than in other countries. Many job seekers struggle to find good work because the job search is a game. You need to know its rules to play it well. Why work with AsylumWorks? Because WE know the rules of the game.

Contact Information

1718 Connecticut Ave, NW, Suite 300, Washington, D.C. 20009

Please note client services are by appointment only. To request an appointment, please complete the new client questionnaire here

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